Mighty Magnesium: What's the Hype and Where to Start – Clean Coach Carly

Mighty Magnesium: What's the Hype and Where to Start

The Basics: Why are We All Magnesium Deficient?

I know it’s a little presumptuous of me to assume something about you without really knowing you, but I am going to make a wild guess: you are magnesium deficient. I know this because most of the American population is deficient in magnesium. This is because of modern-day growing and water purification processes that remove natural minerals from the soil, therefore decreasing the amount of magnesium in the soil and, thus, the produce. 

Additionally, magnesium is not at the forefront of many American’s minds. When we consider what is lacking in a diet we might consider vitamin D, protein or fiber. But how often are we inspecting the amount of magnesium we consume in a day? Often underrated, magnesium can actually cure many common health concerns (including improving your sleep!). Nearly half of Americans are magnesium deficient and nearly all of us could benefit from a regular dose.

Signs You Are Deficient in Magnesium

  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Muscle Cramps 
  • High Blood Pressure 
  • Asthma
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Lack of Emotion (apathy)
  • Risk of Depression
  • Increased Anxiety
  • Poor Memory (or loss of memory)
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Vomiting

Different Kinds of Magnesium 

Magnesium Sulfate

If this sounds familiar, it is probably because you have most likely seen this included as ingredients in bath products. This is also knowns as Epsom Salts. Sore Muscles all over the world have come to know this well. 

Magnesium Chloride

This type of magnesium is extremely popular. It is extracted from brine or ocean water and it encourages sleep, digestion, bone health and a general sense of calm.  It is also known as magnesium oil. I have had great success personally and with clients who have used this topical magnesium to resolve fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue type of body aches.  I've also successfully resolved restless legs syndrome with it.  

Magnesium Citrate

This type of magnesium is derived from the salt obtained from citric acid. This is one of the most highly recommended magnesium supplements - specifically earning this title from its assistance with digestion. This is also one of the most affordable options as well!

Magnesium Glycinate

If you are feeling stressed, this could be the best option for you. This helps to support muscle relaxation while also generally calming the mind and body. This is not known for its laxative properties (like most magnesium supplements are). 

Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium oxide is found in milk of magnesia. It is specifically known for improving digestion. 

Magnesium L-Threonate

This type of magnesium has been shown to help improve cognitive function, specifically in those who experience short-term memory loss caused by chronic pain. 

Magnesium Orotate 

This option could run a bit more expensive than some of the others. General heart health, along with supporting tissue repair, makes it a popular choice for athletes. Enhanced stamina and performance are some of the effects that make the bigger price tag worth it. 

Where to Get Magnesium 


Magnesium can be found in a variety of foods. This includes:

  • Spinach
  • Banana 
  • Avocado
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Chard
  • Molasses 
  • Brown Rice


Although magnesium can be found in food, it is nearly impossible to meet your necessary magnesium intake through diet alone. While eating a balanced diet is important, I recommend taking a magnesium supplement.  

There are several ways to supplement your magnesium intake. The first is to ingest a magnesium pill. The different kinds of magnesium are explained above, and, if you would like more help in determining what kind of magnesium is right for you, schedule a free 15-minute phone call with me here. 

You can also supplement your magnesium intake with topical magnesium. One of the easiest ways to up your magnesium intake is to take Epsom salt baths regularly. Magnesium is also available in oils, sprays or lotions. Topical magnesium can be ideal if you:

  • have a difficult time ingesting pills
  • prefer oils, lotions or sprays
  • have to take a large quantity of magnesium 

You can take both topical magnesium and ingest it. If you choose to solely ingest your magnesium through traditional supplements (pills), I recommend still using Epsom salt baths weekly as a topical dosage to soothe your skin and mind.  

Finding the Right Dosage of Magnesium

The recommended dosage of magnesium is roughly 3-4 mg of Magnesium per body weight every day. If you are extremely magnesium deficient, you may need a greater dose. A word of caution: magnesium can cause diarrhea. If you are looking to increase your magnesium intake, I recommend titrating slowly until you have loose stool. Once you reach that point, go back to the closest dosage you can without experiencing diarrhea.  

Magnesium for Your Mental Health

As mentioned above, magnesium is essential for maintaining mental health. Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, and apathy. If you are struggling with any of these symptoms, it is viable to look at your vitals and start asking bigger questions. 

Depression isn’t always an imbalance of chemicals in your mind. Nor is anxiety or other mental health problems. Before making life-changing choices (like going on medication for depression), I would encourage you to look into other, natural remedies to soothe your symptoms.  

Finding answers to your optimal health is what I am here for. I specialize in working on complicated cases, including learning to heal mental health symptoms through natural remedies. If this is something you are needing help with, I would encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me here

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